If you’re like me, the first thing you think of when you hear the phrase “tool library” is a joke about the slim pickings at Dublin’s by last call.
The Springfield Tool Library is actually WAY cooler than that! It’s an actual library of tools run by Community Partnership of the Ozarks (one of my favorite groups) who lend out tools to folks who need them and don’t have them, or don’t have room to store them.
Membership only costs about $20 per month which is totally affordable, since the reason most of us don’t have the tools we need for stuff is because we also do not have the money to buy them.
Anyway, if you’ve got a DIY project you’ve been wanting to tackle once this FOREVER WINTER decides to die the Tool Library might be a good place to start.
Here’s all the info - http://www.cpozarks.org/tool-library/