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It's a brand new week! Check out your horoscopes for the end of the month here:
· ARIES – You can win others over to your side quite easily with your articulate charm. Your week is a 9.0
· TAURUS – Give yourself permission to make mistakes this week. Your week is a 7.0
· GEMINI – When someone gives you mixed signals it’s often cuz they don’t know what they want. Time to leave. Your week is a 6.9
· CANCER – It's time for you to try again on something you’ve given up on, this time follow through. Your week is a 7.7
· LEO – Be your warm charming self (even to the people cold to you) and you will see warmth in return. Your week is an 8.6
· VIRGO – Someone from your past is trying to reconnect with you – evaluate if you want them in your life. Your week is a 7.3
· LIBRA – Do not put all your eggs into one basket… for now. Your week is a 7.5
· SCORPIO – You like to avoid calls or visits and this week you need to face them all head on. Your week is a 6.9
· SAGITTARIUS – You think you aren’t fully equipped to take on this task, you are more than prepared. Your week is a 9.3
· CAPRICORN – You need to wait until the time is right. That time is not now. Your week is a 7.7
· AQUARIUS – Find a way to feel more focused and inspired, stop wasting your time. Your week is a 6.9
· PISCES – There’s something that’s been on your mind and dragging you down, time to resolve it. Your week is a 7.3