How I Built Our COVID-19 Fire Pit

Straight up – I suck at DIY. Just DIY-ing this post is going to be a challenge. But for whatever reason, last weekend my wife and I decided to build a fire pit in the middle of our field. And not just stack some bricks in a circle – but like, dig one out, do it right type of fire pit. And because we had a bit of space, we wanted a big one. (Who doesn’t, amiright?)

So after looking at two, no more than three, pictures on a Google image search, I decided I was now armed with enough information to just go ahead and get it over with. Here are the step-by-step instructions on how I (a non-DIYer) built our fire pit:

Step 1 – Find a spot, and spray-paint a circle on the ground. I used a measuring tape and did a 5ft circle.

Step 2 – Find a better spot and repeat step one.

Step 3 – Pretty much just guess at how many inches you think it’s gonna be around and buy some stuff from Lowe’s.


  • ·45 - Holland Tan-charcoal-gray/Smooth Concrete Paver Common: 4-in x 8-in
  • ·22 - Flagstone Chandler Retaining Wall Block (Common: 4-in x 11-in; Actual: 4-in x 11.2-in)
  • ·2x60lb bags - 60-lb Brown All-Purpose Gravel

Step 4 – While you wait for the confirmation email that order is ready for pickup at Lowe’s, dig out the circle you drew with a shovel – needs to be sort of flat across, and about 6-8 inches deep depending on how comfortable you are admitting some things to yourself.

Step 5 – Receive email and go to Lowe's, call that you’re there for pickup, then wait 45 minutes while they find your order.

Step 6 – Return home, dump 2 bags of gravel in middle of pit – allow 18 month son to play in them.

Step 7 – Take flat pavers and place them in hot dog style at a slight angle inside the rim of the pit

Step 8 – Smooth out gravel in pit to cover entire area/avoid hitting baby with rake

Step 9 – Place retaining wall blocks around outside of pit

Step 10 – Remove baby from pit before enjoying fire inside

And that’s it! Here's a finished picture, featuring my 3 year old daughter and the stupid fire we tried to make with super wet wood.

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