Dad Improvises Restaurant For His Son's Quarantined Birthday

Let me start off by saying that I'm a Dad. A girl and a boy, 3 &1. And I love them. So so much.

But you know what I don't love? Other Dads who make me look bad. Like this Dad, who decided that he was gonna go above and beyond during this health crisis to give his son the most-est special-est birthday ever despite being in quarantine. So he goes and builds this elaborate thing, and his son freaking flips out, and then so does the internet - "Oh my, god... BEST DAD EVER." and all of that.

Not a fan.

I mean, granted, he did a great job and the kid loved it and all that - but come, on bro. The rest of us Dads have to live in this world, too. A world where a day stuck indoors with the toddlers during quarantine is like two chalk boards being simultaneously scrapped with forks. You think I'm going above and beyond for that?! Child please. It's a run out the clock situation between breakfast and bath - don't break any bones or things, and lets get you tired enough to fall asleep. That's it. So THIS... this guy, ya, way to go for YOU... but what about THE REST OF US? Hmm?!

Full disclosure, I feel the same way every time I hear John Legend sing a love song. Jerk.

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