Botched Procedure Leaves Missouri Woman with Four Eyebrows

Who doesn’t want thicker & fuller eyebrows? But let this story be a reminder to always do your research before booking procedures.

In November 2018, Kansas City local Jami Ledbetter went to visit a woman who claimed to be certified in micro blading – which is essentially tattooing eyebrows.

It did not go as planned. She ended up with double the amount of eyebrows she went in with! She admits that after the procedure, her personal life and confidence went down the drain. Makeup couldn’t even cover up the mistake.

Luckily, after reaching out to several tattoo artists, she was able to find relief… through a procedure called LI-FT – that lightens the pigment of the tattoo. The removal cost her more than $1000.

No word on how much she paid for job #1. Yikes.

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